Sophie Almanza, projectmanager Code bij Waag

Sophie AlmanzaOperations Director

Sophie Almanza is Operations Director and member of the Management Team at Waag Futurelab. She is responsible for the project management and internal processes of the organization. She specializes in process design and guidance for teams with varying backgrounds and specialisations in which a common outcome is achieved. Personal connection is combined with imagination in an interactive process.

Sophie previously worked at Waag as a Project Manager. The projects that Sophie led focused on technology design based on public values, urban and location development and the enrichment of policy and social reflection by involving artists, artistic and creative methodology. Sophie is also one of the founders of Maakschap Amsterdam.

Sophie previously worked at Meurkens & Meurkens, where she developed special, vacant buildings into cultural breeding grounds in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. For the cooperative management, care and maintenance of the spaces, she focused on community building with the aim of ownership, involvement and cross-pollination. Sophie studied organizational sociology at the University of Amsterdam.

Current projects

Air pollution in Europe
Smart Citizens Lab


The European project Enforce focuses on the challenges, for both residents and authorities, in reporting data so that it is usable for environmental enforcement.
AI Culture Lab binary code visual
Future Internet Lab

Digital Deal

How accelerated, yet unconsidered adoption of new technologies – such as artificial intelligence and machine learning – can alter or undermine democratic processes.
Mensen die aan een tafel met een workshop bezig zijn. Ze praten met elkaar en op tafel ligt een vel papier met stiften ernaast.
Future Internet Lab

Responsible Business Models

In this project, Waag and HvA investigate the conditions for digital public spaces and the fundamental aspects of a responsible business model.
VU Humanitieslab, Waag, 2022, Gunnar Ridderström via Unsplash
Future Internet Lab

VU Humanities Lab

Commissioned by the Vrije Universiteit, Waag is conducting an exploration of the digital resources that can be used by humanities students and what digital skills students need to take advantage of these resources.
Politiedrones en ethiek - Christopher Burns via Unsplash
Future Internet Lab

Police Drones and ethics

The Dutch national police plans to use more drones. Waag organises citizen focus groups to research the ethical considerations necessary.
Evening air traffic in Europe
Future Internet Lab


ACROSS improves privacy-friendly data exchange between EU member states' public services.
Public Stack Summit
Future Internet Lab

Public Stack Design Proces

Together with INFO, TU Delft (Cities of Things Lab), Waag dives into the design process of an open source service and a commercial service.
Chris Julien bij Nieuwsuur
Future Internet Lab


DEPS (Digital European Public Spaces) has the goal to research and facilitate digital European public spaces that are open, democratic, and sustainable.
Future Heritage Lab


Nine cities, including Amsterdam, are working together to develop inclusive and sustainable Fab City Hubs at industrial heritage sites.
Artsformation - Digital Shadows
Open Design Lab


Mobilising the arts for an inclusive digital transformation: a response to societal challenges proposed by the fast-pacing digital transformation.