Critical Making
The project Critical Making brings together practices in contemporary art, design and technology with artistic research. The Critical Making group proposes to research and practically explore a critical notion of making as an alternative to the commonly accepted notion of creative industry.
How can 21st century creative practices – art, design, technological making – overcome the industry logic of techno-optimistic makeability and aestheticized products of creative industry?
Over the coming four years the Critical Making group will organise a diverse program of workshops, symposiums and publications.
Since 2015 a Dutch research group engages itself to deepen the understanding of the notion of Critical Making, an existing concept used in Maker Culture and to further develop this notion in arts and design.
The consortium consists of Janneke Wesseling of Leiden University/PhDArts and Florian Cramer of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences/Willem de Kooning Academy, The New Institute Rotterdam, Waag Amsterdam and West Den Haag.
Meta data
Project duration
- Universiteit van Leiden
- Willem de Kooning Academie (WdKA)
- Het Nieuwe Instituut
- West Den Haag