Make it Open
Make it Open is developing a sustainable infrastructure for open schooling in Europe. We are taking a step forward to transform schools into partnerships with the neighbourhood, in which education contributes to both students' and neighbourhood needs. Maker education, citizen science and 'constructionism learning' are used to improve science and technology education. This will make it more tangible, applicable and attractive to pupils. Make it Open will increase the scientific knowledge of both pupils and their families across Europe. In addition, the concept of open schooling will become mainstream through this project.
Open Schooling Navigator
Waag worked with the Ir. Lelylylyceum and Montessori school De Regenboog in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost to design and test learning materials and learning scenarios for open schooling. The other pilot schools are in Warsaw, London and Jerusalem. Waag is responsible for creating an online Open Schooling Navigator, which is filled with materials resulting from the four pilots in Make it Open. The Open Schooling Navigator is intended for educators and schools: it allows them to start their own open schooling projects both during and after the project.
Watch an instructional film about the Open Schooling Navigator here
Over 800 students (aged 13-16) from technasia in North-Holland are working together on a design assignment. The thirteen technasia are working on the meaningful assignment 'The Circular Neighbourhood' within the subject Research & Design. Pupils are challenged to creatively make local makers visible in the neighbourhood. The value of makers and makerhood is central to one of Waag's other projects: Centrinno. Fostering a maker mindset in young people is a key pillar and contributes to the revaluation of practical professions.
Pupils map residual material flows and design with the aim: a circular neighbourhood. Eventually, the designs are handed in as instructables (roadmap for a making project) and the students get to work with renewed forms of presentation and forms of data physicalisation. This involves creating and shaping tangible representations of data to gain insights and share knowledge.
Want to know more about the collaboration between Stichting Technasium and Waag? Read this blog (in Dutch) and see the photos of the two-day Teacher Maker Camp organised by Waag especially for Technasium teachers.
On 11 May 2023, in collaboration with the Hout- en Meubileringscollege in Amsterdam, Waag is organising an event where about 20 students will have the opportunity to present their work.
Meta data
Project duration
- Stichting Technasium
- Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem (Israel)
- Centrum Nauki Kopernik (Poland)
- Forth (UK)
- European Schoolnet (Belgium)
- Teachers College Columbia University (USA)
- Ecsite (Belgium)
- Ir. Lelylyceum (Netherlands)
- Montessorischool De Regenboog (Netherlands)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 872106.