Contact Waag
Contact us
The contact form can be used to reach out to Waag about current affairs, such as activities and projects. We strive to answer back within a week. Unfortunately, the form cannot be used for making appointments, job applications or for promotional ends.
Press requests can be sent to Teska Drosten (PR- en Marketing Manager). From Monday to Friday they can be reached via the email address down below:
pers [at] waag [dot] org
Experts at Waag
- Research Director of Waag: Sander van der Waal
- Technology, data commons and privacy: Simone van der Burg and Danny Lämmerhirt
- Systemic change in the textiles industry and material research: Cecilia Raspanti
- Biotechnology, Open Design and art-science: Lucas Evers
- Space travel and ecology: Miha Turšič
- Digital fabrication and Fab Academy: Henk Buursen
- Urban Ecology: Judith Veenkamp
- Citizen sensing, citizen science and sensors: Imme Ruarus
- Maker education: Eva Vesseur
Re-using content
All images, reports and publications on Waag's website can be re-used under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA: attribution, non-commercial, share-alike – unless stated otherwise. For the use of Waag's logo, please contact us.