Waag participated in the Health-Lab project, aimed at stimulating and accelerating innovation in health care, with a strong focus at the (end) users. Health-Lab was an open experiment environment in Amsterdam (a Living Lab for Care and ICT), where applications were developed and tested with users.
The essence of this project was to create a platform where suppliers and users could directly meet and interact with each other. Health care organisations, knowledge institutions and the government, in cooperation with small and large corporations, used the Health-Lab to find realistic solutions for one of the major societal challenges of our time: how to guarantee the quality of health care and keep costs under control against the background of an ageing population.
One of the outcomes was a booklet made by Waag called 'Real life care stories'. It contains the stories of nine inhabitants and one member of the care staff of one of the rest homes of Amsta. The stories are based on interviews, researchers accompanying the care staff and short tests that were carried out.
In 2013, the final project report was published under the title 'Innovation in health care together with end users".
This project was made possible by a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL.
Project duration
- Gemeente Amsterdam
- Amsterdam Economic Board
- Gemeente Almere
- Pieken in de Delta
- Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
- Amsta
- Universiteit van Amsterdam
- HvA Digital Life Centre
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Hogeschool InHolland