Sylke van Duijnen door Jimena Gauna voor Waag

Sylke van DuijnenConcept Developer

Sylke van Duijnen was a concept developer with Waag's Smart Citizens Lab, where she previously interned. She wants to learn more about the ways citizens can work in communities, and how they can use technology in the strive for a healthy, sustainable and social living environment. At Waag, Sylke focuses on co-creation methods for smart citizens and citizen sensing, amongst others. 

Sylke obtained her bachelor's in Liberal Arts and Sciences at University College Maastricht, and her masters in Food Security at University of Edinburgh. She was involved in various initiatives against food waste and is a trustee at a member-driven cooperation for social and ecological sustainability, in Edinburgh.

Current projects

Air pollution in Europe
Smart Citizens Lab


The European project Enforce focuses on the challenges, for both residents and authorities, in reporting data so that it is usable for environmental enforcement.
Hackathon de groene stad
Smart Citizens Lab

New plan for work

What does the future of work look like? In the project New plan for work, Waag Futurelab and Michiel Zonneveld explore how to design a new perspective on the future of work.
Mensen zijn met elkaar in gesprek aan een tafel in een bibliotheek.
Smart Citizens Lab

Kenniscloud 2.0

In the project KennisCloud 2.0, Waag, Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant and VPRO are updating the platform KennisCloud by making it open source and based on public values.
Satellietbeeld Lutkemeerpolder
Urban Ecology Lab

Voedselpark Amsterdam

Waag Futurelab, Stichting Voedselpark Amsterdam and artist Esra Sakir, investigate the relationship between het Voedselpark and the Nieuw-West neighbourhood. What role does food and local food production play for the neighbourhood?
Kévin Bray. Vertical Atlas, 2018.
Urban Ecology Lab

Designing regenerative technologies

In the project Designing Regenerative Technologies Waag investigates the impact of digital technology on our planet and develops ways of designing regenerative technologies.
Co-creatie public stack summit Waag
Smart Citizens Lab

Science in the Cloud

The project Science in the Cloud researches how online platform KennisCloud should be designed for scientists, citizen scientists and knowledge institutions to collaborate on social and scientific issues.
Beveiligingscamera in de stad
Smart Citizens Lab

Human Values for Smarter Cities

In Human Values for Smarter Cities, Waag Futurelab investigates the process of procurement when applying smart city technology in public spaces.
Smart Citizens Lab


Together with citizens, investigative journalists and scientists, Waag research heat stress in the Netherlands.
Opening Planet B @ Amsterdam Science Park
Urban Ecology Lab


Within T-Factor, Waag will help enrich and steer the Amsterdam Science Park masterplan towards urban ecology-related innovation and enterprise.
Woman with sensor
Smart Citizens Lab

Hollandse Luchten

Hollandse Luchten is a citizens science project where we involve citizens in measuring air quality in their environment in the Province of North Holland.