Current projects

Future Internet Lab
EXCENTRIC ontwikkelt en implementeert een Collaborative Data Practice door de uitvoering van vier sectorspecifieke en twee cross-sectorale pilots onder echte werkomstandigheden.HAMLET

Open Design Lab
HAMLET’s mission is to make the benefits of generative AI accessible to organisations of all sizes, in order to foster a sustainable digital transition.World Weather Network

Space Lab
World Weather Network
Waag is part of the World Weather Network, a global coalition of artists and organisations formed in response to the climate crisis.More-than-Planet

Space Lab
The way people imagine the planet substantially impacts the environment. More-than-Planet will address a crisis of planetary imaginary.S+T+ARTS Prize

Open Design Lab
S+T+ARTS Prize
The STARTS Prize is an annual recognition of two innovative projects at the interface of science, technology and art.Better Factory

Open Design Lab
Better Factory
Better Factory will provide methodology and opportunities for manufacturers to collaborate with artists at developing new and personalized products.Vojext

Open Design Lab
By collaborating with artists, technology partners and manufacturers, Vojext addresses human-robot interaction that contributes to today’s societal and also environmental challenges.Open Next

Open Design Lab
Open Next
Today’s mass-produced product creation is expensive, risky and unsustainable. SMEs and maker communities across Europe are coming together to fundamentally change the way we create, produce, and distribute products.3Package Deal Bio Art & Design

Open Wetlab
3Package Deal Bio Art & Design
Waag gives biotech artists and designers the opportunity to use our facilities and to present their work within our public programme.Closed projects
Smart Hybrid Forms

Open Wetlab
Smart Hybrid Forms
Addressing ecological challenges by blurring the lines between biology and technology: together with artists, we are working on Smart Hybrid Forms.LABS: Future Interiors

LABS: Future Interiors
LABS: Future Interiors aims to take the first step towards the creation of a living interior piece. A collaboration between Studio Samira Boon, Waag and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.Supre:organism

With Supre:organism, Waag sets out to establish a contemporary artistic understanding of life in outer space.Sentinel Citizen

Smart Citizens Lab
Sentinel Citizen
Sentinel Citizen connects air quality data generated by citizen measurements of the project Hollandse Luchten, with data from satellites of the European Space Agency.WearPure

WearPure is material research project that explores how we can create new materials that actively purify the environment from CO2.European ARTificial Intelligence Lab

European ARTificial Intelligence Lab
The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab brings AI related scientific and technological topics to general citizens and art audiences.Human outer space activities

Open Wetlab
Human outer space activities
Can we learn about ourselves by studying outer space? The further we go, the more we get confronted with the unknown of ourselves.Gene coop

Open Wetlab