Current projects
Smart Citizens Lab
The European project Enforce focuses on the challenges, for both residents and authorities, in reporting data so that it is usable for environmental enforcement.Mobifree
Future Internet Lab
Mobifree aims to bring about change in the development and use of mobile software in Europe by citizens, businesses, non-profit organisations and governments.MeentCoop
Smart Citizens Lab
With a broad coalition of social organisations, Waag works to strengthen the local, cooperative community economy in the Amsterdam metropolitan area.Masterclass Net Politics 2022
Future Internet Lab
Masterclass Net Politics 2022
Together with ISOC, Waag organises an annual Masterclass Net Politics where people working on digital society learn about topics such as digital transparency, public values on the internet and decision-making regarding large tech platforms.Tactical Media Room
Future Internet Lab
Tactical Media Room
The Tactical Media Room aims to support independent tactical media, journalists, newsrooms and civic initiatives from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.CATRIN
Future Internet Lab
Controllable, Accountable, Transparent: the Responsible Internet. Waag is working on a foundation for a new internet to increase trust in the digital world.Proof of Provenance
Future Internet Lab
Proof of Provenance
Tackling disinformation by guaranteeing the authenticity of messages? Waag is working on a way to do this through digital certificates.ACROSS
Future Internet Lab
ACROSS improves privacy-friendly data exchange between EU member states' public services.Expedition to planet B
Expedition to planet B
Waag embarked on an expedition to planet B in order to design and create a desired future that is open, fair and inclusive.Public Stack Design Proces
Future Internet Lab
Public Stack Design Proces
Together with INFO, TU Delft (Cities of Things Lab), Waag dives into the design process of an open source service and a commercial service.PublicSpaces
Future Internet Lab
Waag is a co-initiator of the PublicSpaces Foundation, a coalition of now 70 public organisations working together on a digital ecosystem based on public values.DEPS
Future Internet Lab
DEPS (Digital European Public Spaces) has the goal to research and facilitate digital European public spaces that are open, democratic, and sustainable.Closed projects
Social Initiative in the Energy Transition
Smart Citizens Lab
Social Initiative in the Energy Transition
Commissioned by the Nationaal Klimaat Platform (NKP), Waag Futurelab worked on the design of a programme on Social Initiative in the Energy Transition.Code for Children's Rights
Future Internet Lab
Code for Children's Rights
Waag works together with Leiden University to create a Code for children's rights, creating a safer digital environment for children.Public Stack: charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
Future Internet Lab
Public Stack: charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
Commissioned by the RVO, Waag is developing a Public Stack for the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles.Public Stack: the alternative internet
Future Internet Lab
Public Stack: the alternative internet
The internet is broken, but alternatives are available. We call the collection of these open, fair and safe alternatives the Public Stack.Hackathon de groene stad
Future Internet Lab
Hackathon de groene stad
In het project hackathon groene steden komen initiatieven bijeen die zich focussen op het vergroenen van steden. Waag organiseert vier groen-expedities en een hackathon.Algorithms: practical guidelines
Future Internet Lab
Algorithms: practical guidelines
The government is working on a framework for the use of algorithms. Waag investigates how this framework works in practice. Does it ask relevant questions? Can decisions be explained? Is it clear what the impact and responsibilities are?Embassy of Health
Smart Citizens Lab
Embassy of Health
The Embassy of Health explores challenges within healthcare and unites different perspectives on the crossings of technology, design, science, arts and healthcare.Masterclass Netpolitics
Future Internet Lab