Screenshot uit de Intro video Staat van het internet 2021

Future Internet Lab

As its name might imply, the Future Internet Lab focuses on the future of the internet. The internet is broken, but we can fix it. Large tech companies control personal data, the digital public space, and the technology that we use in our daily lives. The Future Internet Lab questions this power and looks for alternative solutions. For example, we work on the creation of the Public Stack: a collection of technologies that places public values at the centre of the design process. In this way, we are working towards a safer set of technologies that neither spies on us nor sells our data.

The Future Internet Lab questions the power of big tech and researches alternatives.

The lab also looks at digital public spaces. The places where we currently meet online are often designed from the perspective of financial profit. The Future Internet Lab researches and designs digital public spaces where the citizen is central to the design process rather than the consumer. We also consider the technologies used by our government. As more and more public services are digitised, how do we ensure that societal interests remain paramount? One way we do this is by investigating the algorithms currently in place as well as their underlying values. In our policy labs, we advise and educate government agencies in the field of technology and data.

Technology is not a black box we must accept at face value. Waag places existing technologies on the workbench, unscrews the casing, and takes a look at their inner workings. In this way, we investigate phenomena that will determine the future of the internet, such as algorithms, the internet of things, and the platform economy.

We also believe that technology can help us shape the future. We explore societal challenges of our time (like how to best organise democratic participation, how to green cities, and how to improve mobility) and investigate how we can develop technologies to help solve these issues.

Current projects

Masterclass Netpolitiek, Waag, 2022
Future Internet Lab

Masterclass Net Politics 2025

Waag Futurelab organises an annual Masterclass Net Politics where people working on digital society learn about topics such as digital transparency, public values on the internet and decision-making regarding large tech platforms.
Vrouw staat met laptop naast een grote computer
Future Internet Lab

Human-AI Collaboration for Quantum Technologies

This project explores the collaboration between human and artificial intelligence for quantum systems and their scientific applications. It aims to create new research opportunities and contributes to both the development of quantum technology and broader societal knowledge on this topic.
Een vrouw met een velgekleurd jasje houd een apparaat vast. Achter haar is een sterrenhemel geprojecteerd tegen een muur met gele en paarse sterren.
Future Internet Lab


EXCENTRIC ontwikkelt en implementeert een Collaborative Data Practice door de uitvoering van vier sectorspecifieke en twee cross-sectorale pilots onder echte werkomstandigheden.
Visualization of an algorithm
Future Internet Lab


Within the AlgoLit project, Waag Futurelab co-creates methods with digital inclusion specialists that professionals and citizens can use to inquire into algorithmic decision-making processes.
Pin card
Future Internet Lab

Trust-based Banking

Examining how and under what conditions undocumented residents of the Netherlands can access banking services
keys house
Future Internet Lab

Data standards personal data

Waag Futurelab uses participatory methodology to develop a new standard for data sharing based on public values.
Future Internet Lab

Balanced Choices

Waag develops a recommender application for libraries and other cultural institutions where values such as privacy and autonomy are central and the data is managed by the end-user themselves
Screen with ChatGPT
Future Internet Lab

Social research agenda for AI

Making researchers in the field of AI more aware of the questions and concerns surrounding AI that exist in society.
Drukke metro met mensen die allemaal op hun telefoon bezig zijn
Future Internet Lab


Mobifree aims to bring about change in the development and use of mobile software in Europe by citizens, businesses, non-profit organisations and governments.
AI Culture Lab binary code visual
Future Internet Lab

Digital Deal

How accelerated, yet unconsidered adoption of new technologies – such as artificial intelligence and machine learning – can alter or undermine democratic processes.
Mensen die aan een tafel met een workshop bezig zijn. Ze praten met elkaar en op tafel ligt een vel papier met stiften ernaast.
Future Internet Lab

Responsible Business Models

In this project, Waag and HvA investigate the conditions for digital public spaces and the fundamental aspects of a responsible business model.
Masterclass Netpolitiek, Waag, 2022
Future Internet Lab

Masterclass Net Politics 2022

Together with ISOC, Waag organises an annual Masterclass Net Politics where people working on digital society learn about topics such as digital transparency, public values on the internet and decision-making regarding large tech platforms.
VU Humanitieslab, Waag, 2022, Gunnar Ridderström via Unsplash
Future Internet Lab

VU Humanities Lab

Commissioned by the Vrije Universiteit, Waag is conducting an exploration of the digital resources that can be used by humanities students and what digital skills students need to take advantage of these resources.
Waag opent haar deuren
Future Internet Lab

Tactical Media Room

The Tactical Media Room aims to support independent tactical media, journalists, newsrooms and civic initiatives from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.
Big Data
Future Internet Lab

Support NWA Route: Value creation through responsible AI and Big Data

Policy makers, private developers and researchers discuss questions about the National Research Agenda's big data.
Future Internet Lab

Living Lab Open Cultuurdata

Making cultural events easier to find with open-source technology. By NPO, Sound & Vision, PublicSpaces and Waag.
Politiedrones en ethiek - Christopher Burns via Unsplash
Future Internet Lab

Police Drones and ethics

The Dutch national police plans to use more drones. Waag organises citizen focus groups to research the ethical considerations necessary.
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
Future Internet Lab


How innovative online revenue models can improve the independence of makers.
CATRIN project, Waaag, 2022
Future Internet Lab


Controllable, Accountable, Transparent: the Responsible Internet. Waag is working on a foundation for a new internet to increase trust in the digital world.
Digitale Identiteit visual
Future Internet Lab

Proof of Provenance

Tackling disinformation by guaranteeing the authenticity of messages? Waag is working on a way to do this through digital certificates.
Evening air traffic in Europe
Future Internet Lab


ACROSS improves privacy-friendly data exchange between EU member states' public services.
Public Stack Summit
Future Internet Lab

Public Stack Design Proces

Together with INFO, TU Delft (Cities of Things Lab), Waag dives into the design process of an open source service and a commercial service.
Chris Julien bij Nieuwsuur
Future Internet Lab


DEPS (Digital European Public Spaces) has the goal to research and facilitate digital European public spaces that are open, democratic, and sustainable.
PublicSpaces Conference 2024
Future Internet Lab


Waag is a co-initiator of the PublicSpaces Foundation, a coalition of now 70 public organisations working together on a digital ecosystem based on public values.