Better Factory
Better Factory will provide methodology and opportunities for European manufacturers to collaborate with artists at developing new and personalized products. The project will also provide technology for companies to become fully connected cyber-physical systems, transforming them into lean and agile production facilities capable of manufacturing new and personalized products alongside existing products.
Better Factory is part of the European S+T+ARTS initiative, bridging science, technologies and the arts in creative and critical confrontations with societal challenges and global concerns. This project will support manufacturers to invent through creative challenges, with artists contributing out-of-the-box perspectives on emerging technologies and new products.
Within the project, Waag will develop a co-creation space for companies, technology providers and artists to collaborate in developing new products and services. Main part of that effort is the support and mentoring of these collaborations through overcoming knowledge gaps and providing required skills as well as learning and sharing these experiences with the public.
Meta data
Project duration
Better Factory has received funding from the European Commission under the H2020-DT-ICT-03-2020 call under Grant Agreement number 951813.