Digital Identity Lab
Gradually a large part of our social life has started to become digital. We communicate via social media, we bank online, we buy goods online and we do business with the government online, such as our tax return.
For all these processes, however, we are forced to provide all our data every time. For example, the Dutch citizens maintain countless digital identities: from a Facebook profile to a webshop account and from a travel product to a DigiD. This proliferation of identities increases the risk of privacy violation, encourages identity fraud and inhibits innovation.
The Digital Identity Lab looked for new ideas, concepts and concrete tools that can include a reliable and secure digital identity.The various ideas and applications that already exist in the field of digital identity, such as grip/control over data, digital safe, authentication and authorization, were included during the process. The goal is to have various initiatives come together and to be investigated on the same method. We collected this input on the (Dutch) website: digitaleidentiteit.waag.org.
The lab consisted of a number of sprints, pilots and meetups in which concepts were collected, examined and tested in a municipal context.
Waag organized these meetings on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Society of Dutch Municipalities VNG. In addition, Waag brought in expertise on digital identity, as examined and developed through DECODE and other projects.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732546.
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Project duration
- Directie Informatiesamenleving en Overheid (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken)
- Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten
- Gemeente Utrecht, afd. Publiekszaken