Do It Together Bio
In the Waag building, the Open Wetlab is a place where amateurs work on biotechnology. A part of the technology was developed and used during workshops. Together, artists, designers, scientists and amateurs worked on prototypes, experiments and works of art.
Biotechnology is much talked about, but unknown in society, while it has a big impact on man and ecology. Do It Together Bio contributed to the demystification and democratization of biotechnology, and it demonstrated that biotech is a new field for the creative industry.
The project consists of several public events and open evenings, while Pieter van Boheemen also regularly gave workshops on location.
This project is made possible by a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL, Mondriaan Fund and SNS Reaal Fund. From 2015, also supported by BankGiro Lottery Fund. From 2017, this project is part of the European project 'Doing it together science'.
Meta data
Project duration
- BankGiro Loterij Fonds
- Fonds21
- Mondriaan Fonds
- Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
- 7th Framework Programme of the European Union
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959 (KiiCS). Starting with #15, this project has received funding from the Europ